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ValBuilders Module

Type extensions

Type extension Description

Ast.Val(identifier, returnType)

Full Usage: Ast.Val(identifier, returnType)

    identifier : string - The identifier of the Val.
    returnType : WidgetBuilder<Type> - The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Creates a Val widget with an identifier and a return type.

Extended Type: Ast

identifier : string

The identifier of the Val.

returnType : WidgetBuilder<Type>

The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Ast.Val(identifier, returnType)

Full Usage: Ast.Val(identifier, returnType)

    identifier : string - The identifier of the Val.
    returnType : string - The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Creates a Val widget with an identifier and a return type.

Extended Type: Ast

identifier : string

The identifier of the Val.

returnType : string

The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

Full Usage: Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

    leadingKeyword : string list - The leading keyword of the Val.
    identifier : string - The identifier of the Val.
    returnType : WidgetBuilder<Type> - The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Creates a Val widget with a leading keyword, an identifier, and a return type.

Extended Type: Ast

leadingKeyword : string list

The leading keyword of the Val.

identifier : string

The identifier of the Val.

returnType : WidgetBuilder<Type>

The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

Full Usage: Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

    leadingKeyword : string list - The leading keyword of the Val.
    identifier : string - The identifier of the Val.
    returnType : string - The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Creates a Val widget with a leading keyword, an identifier, and a return type.

Extended Type: Ast

leadingKeyword : string list

The leading keyword of the Val.

identifier : string

The identifier of the Val.

returnType : string

The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

Full Usage: Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

    leadingKeyword : string - The leading keyword of the Val.
    identifier : string - The identifier of the Val.
    returnType : WidgetBuilder<Type> - The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Creates a Val widget with a leading keyword, an identifier, and a return type.

Extended Type: Ast

leadingKeyword : string

The leading keyword of the Val.

identifier : string

The identifier of the Val.

returnType : WidgetBuilder<Type>

The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

Full Usage: Ast.Val(leadingKeyword, identifier, returnType)

    leadingKeyword : string - The leading keyword of the Val.
    identifier : string - The identifier of the Val.
    returnType : string - The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Creates a Val widget with a leading keyword, an identifier, and a return type.

Extended Type: Ast

leadingKeyword : string

The leading keyword of the Val.

identifier : string

The identifier of the Val.

returnType : string

The return type of the Val.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ValNode>

Type something to start searching.