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SyntaxOakModifiers Type

Static members

Static member Description

SyntaxOakModifiers.hashDirective (this, value)

Full Usage: SyntaxOakModifiers.hashDirective (this, value)

Returns: WidgetBuilder<Oak>
Modifiers: inline

Sets the hash directive for the current Oak widget.

this : WidgetBuilder<Oak>

Current widget.

value : WidgetBuilder<ParsedHashDirectiveNode>

The hash directive to set.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<Oak>

SyntaxOakModifiers.hashDirectives (this, values)

Full Usage: SyntaxOakModifiers.hashDirectives (this, values)

Returns: WidgetBuilder<Oak>
Modifiers: inline

Sets the hash directives for the current Oak widget.

this : WidgetBuilder<Oak>

Current widget.

values : WidgetBuilder<ParsedHashDirectiveNode> list

The hash directives to set.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<Oak>

Type something to start searching.