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SyntaxOakExtensions Type

Static members

Static member Description

SyntaxOakExtensions.Yield(arg1, x)

Full Usage: SyntaxOakExtensions.Yield(arg1, x)

Returns: CollectionContent
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'parent
Allows Anonymous Module components to be yielded directly into a Module
 Useful since there's no common holder of declarations or generic WidgetBuilder than can be used
 when yielding different types of declarations.
arg0 : CollectionBuilder<'parent, ModuleDecl>
x : WidgetBuilder<ModuleOrNamespaceNode>
Returns: CollectionContent

SyntaxOakExtensions.Yield(this, x)

Full Usage: SyntaxOakExtensions.Yield(this, x)

Returns: CollectionContent
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'parent
this : CollectionBuilder<'parent, Oak>
x : WidgetBuilder<ModuleOrNamespaceNode>
Returns: CollectionContent

SyntaxOakExtensions.Yield(arg1, x)

Full Usage: SyntaxOakExtensions.Yield(arg1, x)

Returns: CollectionContent
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'parent
arg0 : CollectionBuilder<'parent, Oak>
x : ModuleOrNamespaceNode
Returns: CollectionContent

Type something to start searching.