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ExceptionDefnBuilders Module

Type extensions

Type extension Description


Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value)

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : WidgetBuilder<UnionCaseNode>

The union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>


Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value)

    value : string - The union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

    value : string - The union case.
    parameters : WidgetBuilder<FieldNode> list - The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameters : WidgetBuilder<FieldNode> list

The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameter)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameter)

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameter : WidgetBuilder<FieldNode>

The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

    value : string - The union case.
    parameters : WidgetBuilder<Type> list - The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameters : WidgetBuilder<Type> list

The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameter)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameter)

    value : string - The union case.
    parameter : WidgetBuilder<Type> - The parameter of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameter : WidgetBuilder<Type>

The parameter of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

    value : string - The union case.
    parameters : string list - The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameters : string list

The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameter)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameter)

    value : string - The union case.
    parameter : string - The parameter of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameter : string

The parameter of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

    value : string - The union case.
    parameters : (string * WidgetBuilder<Type>) list - The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameters : (string * WidgetBuilder<Type>) list

The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

Full Usage: Ast.ExceptionDefn(value, parameters)

    value : string - The union case.
    parameters : (string * string) list - The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Create an exception definition with a union case.

Extended Type: Ast

value : string

The union case.

parameters : (string * string) list

The parameters of the union case.

Returns: WidgetBuilder<ExceptionDefnNode>

Type something to start searching.